How to Install an Air Filter Correctly

Installing an air filter correctly is essential for efficient functioning of your HVAC system. Learn how to install an air filter correctly for optimal efficiency and indoor air quality near Coachella Valley.

How to Install an Air Filter Correctly

Installing an air filter correctly is essential for the efficient functioning of your HVAC system. The arrow on the filter should always be facing the unit and away from the return air duct that carries the air to be heated or cooled. Almost all air filters have arrows printed on the sides showing how they are supposed to be installed. These arrows should point in the direction in which air flows through the system, which is away from the supply ducts and (usually) towards the blower.

If the filter is on the wall, the arrow should be facing the wall. If you don't have an arrow, you'll want the side with the wire frame to face outward. This means that the side with the wire frame will be on the outside, or the side closest to you, and the side without it will be inside closer to the unit. Fortunately, most air filters are designed to not fit properly unless they are inserted correctly.

Look for the airflow arrows printed on the side of the air filter that indicate in which direction it should be inserted. For any air filter, whether for an air conditioner or an oven, these arrows always point in the direction of air flow. When installing a new air filter in an AC return duct, make sure that the arrows face inward to specify the direction in which air flows. The return duct in your home is PULLING air.

When air is being sucked in or sucked in, the arrows on the air filter should point INWARD, towards the duct. All air filters have specific performance ratings, indicating how well they can remove large and small particles from the air. Otherwise, air cannot pass through and the unit itself must work longer and longer, resulting in higher energy consumption and loss of efficiency. After all, an efficient filter can save you some money in the long run and ensure that you breathe quality air. While inserting an air filter in the wrong direction may not damage your system, it will reduce its efficiency and cost you extra money. When you insert an air filter incorrectly, you cannot filter your home's air efficiently, which can lead to a variety of maintenance issues.

However, they need to be changed regularly because air filters become clogged over time and lose efficiency. For optimal efficiency and indoor air quality near Coachella Valley, simply make sure your air filters are installed correctly. If you install it according to the arrows, then the side of the metal mesh will be facing down towards the grill and not towards the oven as you said here to someone else. If you put it wrong, then your HVAC system has to draw air through its less porous side, which is obviously harder and presses it harder.