Are 5 Inch Filters Better Than 1 Inch for Home Air Quality?

Replacing your standard one-inch air filter with a 5-inch pleated filter can improve indoor air quality and extend the life of your HVAC system. Learn more about how 5 inch oven filters compare to 1 inch filters.

Are 5 Inch Filters Better Than 1 Inch for Home Air Quality?

When it comes to improving the air quality inside your home, replacing your standard one-inch air filter with a 5-inch pleated filter can be a great option. This is because larger air filters have higher MERV ratings, leading to better filtration of contaminants and allergens. Virtually any HVAC professional will tell you that coarser filters work better than ordinary 1-inch oven filters. Thicker filters, known as media filters, are usually 4 to 5 inches thick compared to the ubiquitous 1-inch filters that can even be purchased at grocery stores. When it comes to the size of the particles being filtered, there is no difference between 1 and 5 inch filters with the same MERV rating.

However, there is a difference in static pressure between the two. The filter 5 has more physical holes for air to pass through, making it easier to pass. This means that larger filters will make the system less restrictive and wear less of the fan motor, which will extend the life of the equipment. Most air filters are 1 inch thick, but some systems can accommodate filters 2 to 5 inches thick. In tests, it was found that the thicker the filter, the better it works and the longer the replacement intervals.

This means that thicker filters clean the air better than thinner filters. A coarser filter tends to work more efficiently and lasts longer. A 5 inch filter can last up to a year, while a 1 inch filter only lasts up to 3 months. Therefore, a 4-inch filter will last longer and provide better air quality for your home. For more information on individual products that use filters, such as air purifiers, room air conditioners and dehumidifiers, please refer to their specific buying guides. The nominal size of an oven filter is a rounded number that best fits the marketing of standard filters.

If the filter 5 fits and has a similar density, the system will move air with less resistance. However, there are ways to spoil the work, for example, by buying a filter of the wrong size or placing it backwards, which can block the flow of air instead of cleaning it. Most HVAC technicians recommend changing 1-inch air filters every 30 days, while 4-inch filters can be changed every 3 to 6 months. The best air filters trap indoor contaminants such as dust, pet dander and pollen, helping to clean the air in your home. In addition to these benefits, you may also find that a 5 inch oven filter versus a 1 inch filter makes a difference in the life of your HVAC system.

At the same time, a coarser filter is less restrictive and will allow better flow of purified air. If you decide to install thicker filters on a return grille, it is important that your return duct be completely sealed and airtight in order for them to work properly. Therefore, if you want to improve your home's air quality and extend the life of your HVAC system, investing in a 5 inch pleated filter is definitely worth considering.